5 Arkansas Food Bloggers You Should Know (And Love)

We're starting a new weekly feature on the blog here at Eggshells Kitchen Co. -- the Friday Five, where we talk about 5 of, well--just about anything! It may be 5 things we liked this week, 5 things that made us happy... 5 new things at Eggshells, 5 recipes... but I digress. 

One of the best things about doing what we do is that we get to connect with people in the Little Rock food community. I know you're saying, "uh, what food community."


This isn't a comprehensive list by any means (remember, it's Friday Five, not FRIDAY FIVE MILLION BILLION), but say "howdy y'all" to five of Arkansas's best and brightest foodie bloggers:

5 Arkansas Food Bloggers You Should Know (& Love)

1. Kat Robinson, Tie Dye Travels

Kat Robinson of Tie Dye Travels loves the food and the people of Arkansas and the South. Her travels, often in her trademark tie dye apparel, have led her everywhere from the places you know and love to the mom and pop joints you've never heard of before (but will want to eat at afterward!). Kat's blog is a foodie road map of the South--if there's a hole in the wall, Kat Robinson will seek it out, try the food, and let you know what she thinks of it.

Kat is also interested in Southern foodways and is the author of three books: Arkansas Pie: A Delicious Slice of the Natural State (and y'all know we love pie), Classic Eateries of the Ozarks and Arkansas River Valley (2013)and a third, titled Classic Eateries of the Arkansas Delta (available for pre-order, released Oct. 2014).

2. Kevin Shalin, The Mighty Rib

If there's one person who's consistently eating and thinking about food, it's Kevin Shalin. A teacher by trade, Kevin began writing in 2010 after an experience at a Kansas City BBQ joint (Georgeanne's note: which shall not be named here, as it is not the correct answer to her question, "Who has the best BBQ in Kansas City?".). 

On his blog the Mighty Rib, you'll find not only his own opinions about food in Arkansas (and around the USA), but contributions from guest writers, including his awesome 10-year-old daughter, N. Shalin, who has some great things to say about food for kids & adults alike

What do we like about Kevin? We always know we're getting an honest, unbiased review. He gives every restaurant a fair shot. And we think that's what we all should do, food writers or not! On the Mighty Rib Facebook page, Kevin engages his readers every day. We like that he wants to know our opinions, too!

3. Christie Ison, Fancy Pants Foodie

Christie is a master of all food trades. She's got a degree in journalism and she's been to culinary school, so her blog is the best of both worlds, so to speak! 

Passionate about involving everyone in cooking, Christie frequently teaches private cooking classes and does cooking demonstrations to spread her pretty impressive knowledge about food. On Fancy Pants Foodie, you'll find everything from delicious recipes (a lot of which are gluten-free, as Christie has been GF since 2011) to recaps of local food events. 

4. Steve Shuler, Little Rock Foodcast

Steve's blogging is extremely unique because he produces the Little Rock Foodcast, Little Rock's only podcast discussing the Little Rock food scene.

If you've ever wanted to get to know the Little Rock food scene a little more intimately, just turn on one of Steve's podcasts. You'll feel like you're BFF with some of the best chefs in Little Rock. We love that Steve is giving chefs a large format platform to speak their minds about food, drink, and everything in between. You'll hear from not only chefs at fine dining restaurants, but also some up-and-comers in the Little Rock scene. You've gotta check him out! 

5. Daniel R. Walker, Daniel is Eating

Daniel happens to be the newest blog on our Friday Five list, but he's no stranger to the Arkansas food scene. Daniel is a former contributor to the Arkansas Times, where he was one of the first to write about South on Main. Daniel stopped writing for the Times in 2014 to focus wholly on being an awesome doctor of dermatology (which he is). As we all know, though, the call of food was too irresistible, and a few weeks ago, Daniel reappeared on the food scene with his Facebook page, Daniel is Eating.

A fearless food astronaut, Daniel has tried some of the scariest food creations known to man. He's the only guy we know who was willing to try those Caramel Apple Oreos (and you know Georgeanne loves a novelty food).


Yeah, yeah. We know. We've missed A LOT of people. And we're just as sad about it as you are. But this is, after all, the Friday Five. We'll be talking more and more about local food 'round these parts in the coming weeks.Alright, y'all. No excuse for not being at least a little informed! What other Arkansas food bloggers do you love? Do you blog? Leave us a comment... bring us something new! 

As always, my best wishes for your dishes,




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